About Me  

I'm joining Service Space because ... service, compassion and love for others helps me come alive supporting the flow of goodness, light and creativity in the world.

A good day to me is when ... everything fits together and I am moved to freely offer what I can, accept what comes, and witness it settle into place, as if the whole universe somehow conspired to create this perfect unfolding moment in time... and then let it go.

My hero in life is ...(was) my Dad as he was dying.

My favorite book is ...Peace Pilgrim.

One thing I'm grateful for is ... the opportunity to transcend myself as well as my sense of what is possible.


Reviewer KarmaTube is dedicated to bringing inspirational stories to light, using the power of video and the internet to multiply acts of kindness, beauty, and generosity. In short, it’s a collection of short,"do something" videos coupled with simple actions that every viewer can take. Our vision is to create and connect a global network of volunteers to create uplifting stories that celebrate the work of local change agents. And encourage people to "Take a Pledge" to make a small change in their daily lives. Its tagline reminds us to: Watch. Be Inspired. Act.


Reviewer KarmaTube is dedicated to bringing inspirational stories to light, using the power of video and the internet to multiply acts of kindness, beauty, and generosity. In short, it’s a collection of short,"do something" videos coupled with simple actions that every viewer can take. Our vision is to create and connect a global network of volunteers to create uplifting stories that celebrate the work of local change agents. And encourage people to "Take a Pledge" to make a small change in their daily lives. Its tagline reminds us to: Watch. Be Inspired. Act.



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