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Two Months After My Father Passed Away
Mar 06, 2018, 4 comments, 35 smiles [Below is what I shared at our last Awakin Circle, following Wisdom of Grieving reading and John's opening.] Being in this circle, today, I think a mystery of my life might've solved itself. This was a long time back. I was 19 or so, when I lost my Dad. He was just 47 and there were no signs that we would lose him. One fine day, we just lost him. I was very close to him, so this was a particularly difficult time for me. Culturally, in India, the grieving process is not very private, because everybody in the immediate and extended family, friends, neighbors and even those who don't know you all that well, would all want to be with you. That's actually quite helpful, particularly with the denial stage of the grieving process -- because the community support really helps you accept things as they are. We were six sisters, and I ... Read Full Story
Ven. Karma Lekshe's Talk
Feb 28, 2014, 10 smiles Ven. Karma Lekshe Tsomo visited us last Sunday for a spontaneous Awakin circle with so many of you. She certainly shared great stories and insights (with abundant humor!), but with someone of her caliber, the presence alone is a gift beyond measure. While doing dishes, Chirag was reflecting how he was deeply moved by the radiance of her smile. He wasn't the only one. As Karm Lekshe left, she held me and Dinesh closed to her forehead and said a silent prayer. We felt blessed. Below is the audio of our time together ...