About Me
I'm joining Service Space because ... I met Nipun Mehta and Audrey Lin and was blown away by their selflessness and big-picture thinking. I also am completely on board with radical generosity and learning how to incorporate into my life, work, and family.
A good day to me is when ... I've spent the morning hiking in the mountains, had an inspiring deep listening call with a friend/colleague, and spent time playing with my three small children. Then, capping it all off with time out with my thoughtful husband.
My hero in life is ...Mary Baker Eddy, founder of Christian Science
My favorite book is ...right now it's The Surrender Experiment by Michael Singer
One thing I'm grateful for is ... my loving, supportive, and wacky family, and my great privilege to do the work I do. (peace building)
8-Year-old On The Meaning Of Love :)
Dec 02, 2021, 9 comments, 9 smiles Yesterday, while I was on a zoom call for a weekly writer's group, my 8-year-old daughter Afton spontaneously joined. When one of our groupmates asked her to share a poem, she spontaneously wrote a series of poems. In last night's Awakin Santa Clara circle, Mark encouraged her to share the poems with the group, and I thought I'd share them here as well, in case they bring a smile to you the way they did for us. The heartfelt expressions of children can be so humbling to witness! Endless There is no end to anything. It continues. If you turn a sphere, it's endless. The world you live in, is endless. Your life, is endless. You never end. You can never be left behind, because you just keep going. You can never be alone, because you can't be in one place. Endless. The Meaning of Love Sitting there, snuggling with your mom, that's love. But what's the meaning? What's the meaning of giving a hug, ... Read Full Story
Gratitude Is My Wake-Up Call
Nov 23, 2018, 1 comments, 10 smiles [On behalf of the entire Euphrates ecosystem, I share gratitude for all of you in the ServiceSpace community. Your example and modeling of these universal values inspires in far more ways than you might imagine. Below is a note I just sent yesterday.] It’s raining today! The welcome drops from heaven are pitter-pattering on my roof as I listen in exultation. So grateful that the weather is finally ending the fire threat and washing the smoke from the air. It’s the first time it has rained since early October; before that, Spring. It’s hard not to blame “Climate Change.” Growing up my dad regaled me with stories of 1972, his first year in Redding when it rained every single day of November except for one day mid-month when it merely threatened to rain. How can one not feel disheartened that, instead of respite from a historic drought, California has been battling ... Read Full Story