About Me
I'm joining Service Space because ... affinity
A good day to me is when ... i am aware
My hero in life is ...
My favorite book is ...High Way Dharma Letter
One thing I'm grateful for is ... the opportunity to cultivate.
A Summer Intern's Creative Art Project On Kindness
Jul 19, 2020, 3 comments, 15 smiles
Many of us might remember our summer intern Frances from her beautiful story on friendship. One of Frances's internship projects this summer is to summarize the interns' weekly acts of kindness through creative art. This week, she integrated drawing and poem, in which she formed the poem using one phrase from everyone's reflection on the 21-day kindness challenge feed this week. We can't resist sharing this gorgeous work with you all. :) Enjoy! #rocking-star interns
Here are the snippets of everyone's acts:
Mika- I wrote a long letter
Sonya- to one of my oldest friends
Anha- I dropped the letter off
Tanvi- and read it out loud
Leela- I mailed it out
Lena- It made me so happy
Frances- To find a new way of spreading kindness
Teens On Wisdom
Jul 16, 2018, 1 comments, 12 smiles
As we round out Week 4 of our Summer Internship, I'm smiling wide just reading the insights of our teenage interns, Ellie and Adi!
Here's a few excerpts from their experiences this week -- on the theme of "Wisdom"! ...
In his dialogue, Satish Kumar says, "You cannot change the world. You can change yourself." Do you agree? Why?
I think it is more important to change yourself internally rather than the external world because you will not be able to change your surroundings with a genuine intention unless you are internally ready.
In his talk, Barry Schwartz describe the unsung wisdom janitors tap into on the job. This week, you actively thanked public servants. What did you learn?
I learned so much more than I had expected by thanking public servants this week. I spent this past week at an overnight summer camp and I found several wonderful opportunities to thank public workers, ... Read Full Story
Reflections From My ServiceSpace Summer Internship
Aug 13, 2017, 9 smiles
The nine-week ServiceSpace summer internship has been one of the most beautiful parts of my journey. Although it had ended, I know that it is just the beginning of everything further and deeper. As my internship project, I talked with noble friends from our ecosystem and wrote this article for DailyGood. Thank you All for being a part of our expanded family. Deeply grateful for all the affinities, our mentors and the wonderful team. With love and gratitude, Sophie
Let Compassion Heal Us--An Intern Explores Our Relationship To Suffering
(Picture taken in Buddha Root Farm, 2017)