About Me  

I'm joining Service Space because ... i am passionate about personal and global transformation.

A good day to me is when ... i have a larger perspective

My hero in life is ...One with life

My favorite book is ...Illusions

One thing I'm grateful for is ... Life

Awakin Harrow, With Nipun Mehta & Gandhi's Grandson!

Jun 25, 2019, 2 comments, 28 smiles Among the flurry of events during the last weekend in London, we held an Awakin Circle with Nipun in Harrow: And at the very last minute, we learned of an additional guest that was joining us -- Rajmohan Gandhi, the grandson of Gandhi! We feel blessed to have been part of this very special evening -- with friends like monk Jin Wei from California, Kai Sawyer from Japan, Krish Raval OBE from our local community and host of other inspirations. Nipun anchored the evening around the message of: ‘It’s not what we do but who we become from what we do and what are we seeking through that becoming process. The size of what we all do doesn’t matter because we are all instruments of the same grace.’ We are sure yesterdays grace has inspired us to reflect and connect deeper into life and the evolutionary process of becoming. May we continue to ... Read Full Story

Connecting With Nature In London!

May 22, 2018, 10 smiles ‘All things in nature are not only one with themselves but also one with the totality. They haven’t removed themselves from the fabric of the whole by claiming a separate existence: ‘me’ and the rest of the universe.’ - Eckhart Tolle A few Sundays ago, it was a joy to gather with 30 friends in London and to Celebrate and Connect with Nature together on International Mother's Day! It was so beautiful to watch a seed that was planted at the beginning of this year, blossom into an inspiring afternoon of planting flowers, listening to each other's reflections and being so fully present to our natural surroundings. We opened with a few minutes of silence to soak in our surroundings. Trishna shared the beautiful reading, ‘Planting Twin Trees’ by Robin Wall Kimmerer, which was perfectly fitting to set the tone for the rest of the afternoon. She invited us to reflect on ... Read Full Story

Wood Pigeon Chopping Boards!

Aug 22, 2017, 1 comments, 11 smiles I've recently turned my yoga classes in London into an experiment from "transaction to trust", and the feedback has been incredibly heart warming. This has got me venturing into kindness in all kinds of other arenas... Yesterday night, around 10 pm, we decided to put some wood pigeon chopping boards with a Smile Card each, on the wall in front of our house. The little note on it said, "A gift for you…please take one, :-), thank you." While we were outside last night, a group of youngsters stopped to have a chat with us and took some saying ‘God bless you’. Since it's been warm, the windows of our house have been open. As a result, we've heard many surprised passers-by who have paused to check out the chopping boards. We would often peep out of the window to see their surprised smiles and hear their laughs! Some construction men at 6am this ... Read Full Story