About Me
I'm joining Service Space because ... I enjoy being part of a giving, loving community; and an opportunity to spread love and gratitude
A good day to me is when ... I am joyful, serving and learning
My hero in life is ...Many! My parents, Nelson Mandela, all the women who have led through courage and compassion, friends in Service Space...
My favorite book is ...True Love: A Practice for Awakening the Heart, by Thich Nhat Hanh
One thing I'm grateful for is ... My life :)
Everything Is Waiting For Us Here In NYC
Apr 12, 2018, 3 comments, 8 smiles
Last night, we had a simple, yet beautiful and magical sit here in NYC. Krishan and I started hosting a few months ago, at a point we felt that Lila could start sleeping through the night. Last night we were lucky that the experiment actually worked!
We somehow read the wrong passage (about the nautilus and the chambers in it's shell to allow it to float - which was beautiful), and during our mindful meal, in which we first ate in silence for 10 minutes, after doing the Plum Village-inspired mindful eating prayer, we got to read the passage by David Whyte, "Everything is Waiting For You".
We ruminated on the special connection we have with our surroundings, especially when we are present and filled with gratitude.
Tim shared, "There is a Buddhist saying, that when you place attention on something, you are already filled with gratitude".
Krishan reflected about a poem by Thich ... Read Full Story