Open Volunteer Position: Awakin Talks Biographer

Team Info:

Awakin Talks, IndiaAwakin Talks is organized around two core ideas. First, intrinsically motivated service creates a deeper social change than pursuing external impact alone. Second, social transformation starts with what we presence in our stories and conversations. Awakin Talks shines the spotlight of such pioneering ideas and transformative changemakers.


Volunteer Role:

Awakin Talks Biographer
Learn the stories of our remarkable speakers’ lives, and help present their stories to the world from the lens of their inner transformation journeys! As part of this role, you will write 4-6 paragraph bios for our upcoming speakers. Most of our speakers report being deeply touched by our uniquely crafted bios and our audience also loves this unique window into outer and inner lives of the speakers.


More Context:

The bio writing process involves going through other online bios, talks, articles by our guest and then weave some highlights together in our unique bio. Writing bio for a guest can take upto 7-10 hours of effort. You are welcome to sign-up for 1 slot and then choose more depending on your experience.


Sign Up:

To signup for this role, you must be logged into ServiceSpace. If you're not a member, you can join now.

Volunteer Reflections

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