Addressing Trauma As A Pathway To Social Change

Wishing you a wonderful summer season!  Here's a few tidbits we found to be interesting this season, connecting the workplace with the inner life.   Regards, Birju

Addressing Trauma as a Pathway to Social Change

Stanford Social Innovation Review sharing how understanding intergenerational trauma can help organizations working toward social/environmental upliftment solve problems more effectively. Read Full Story »

The 'Scare Them Away' Letter

Organizations that follow a self-management approach can seem wonderful, but they're not for everyone. Enlivening Edge describes one orgs approach to make clear the shared agreements regarding the approach, and has found self-selection as a result. Read Full Story »

Who Finds Joy in Other Peoples Joy?

Who feels good when a good thing happens for someone else? Greater Good Science Center suggests it has almost nothing to do with money or politics but it can be leveraged in the workplace to support culture. Read Full Story »

A Brief case for Love

bell hooks writes: "To truly love we must learn to mix various ingredients - care, affection, recognition, respect, commitment, and trust, as well as honest and open communication." Reboot makes the case for love as an explicit concept in the workplace. Read Full Story »

Be the Change

Did any of these pieces speak to you?  How?  Take 5 minutes to reflect on it, including how you may want to incorporate any insights into a habit, with reminders and ongoing reflection.  Be well!