Laddership News: Peace And Goodwill

Peace and goodwill are words that appear very often at this time of year, and really they are states of consciousness rather than of being. This month's stories point to what creates those states - the small acts of kindness, generosity, compassion and love that foster the relationships that lead to a consciousness of peace and goodwill to all. --Nicole and Jane

Radical Generosity -- At the Dentist!

Parag writes here about a ladder's experience of a small act of pay-it-forward at the dentist in Melbourne. Compassion matched with generosity plants seeds of goodwill towards strangers in need. [more]

Ripples from Costa Rica!

At a different end of the scale (and a different 'side' of the world), David writes about sowing empathy and compassion at a retreat for educators which rippled a change of consciousness at government level in Costa Rica. [more]

And Psssst ...

This holiday season, Janessa reflects: "Gratitude is my wakeup call," Giang experiences the gift of gifting a 'university without walls,' Jerry gives a TedXTalk in Fargo, Liam embarks on a half-year of silence, Ashima and Parag kick off a our first-ever Educators-themed Laddership Circle!