Laddership News!

Welcome to our first newsletter! After a year of Laddership Circles, it's been a joy to witness the waves of goodness that so many of you are creating in your corners of the globe. In that spirit, we're sharing periodic updates to reconnect and learn about each others' ever-evolving journeys. :) --Nicole and Jane

Two Circles This Month!

The excitement is brewing as we head into our fifth and sixth circles at the end of this month! Like last summer, an overwhelming number of applicants, and crew of enthused volunteers leave us launching 2 concurrent circles amongst a couple dozen of us. [Read more]

Pranidhi on the Business of Teaching Yoga

When Pranidhi launched her yoga studio last August, she designed the pricing to be completely gift-based. HuffPo published her compelling thought leadership, and the community continues to grow (and glow!) in the spirit of practice. [Watch more]

And Psssst ...

June 2015 alum, Rev. Bonnie, reflects powerfully on her experiment in giving forty gifts in forty days. And Liam Chai (of our upcoming circle) literally steps into a 3-day adventure in human kindness.