Granddaughter's Eyes

April 01, 2023

Quote of the Week

"We don't inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children." - Native American Proverb

Granddaughter's Eyes

Nimo's latest song and music video "Granddaughter's Eyes" is a powerful call to action on climate change. Through evocative storytelling, the song urges us to see the world through the eyes of future generations and inspires us to make small changes in our daily lives to preserve the planet for posterity.

[See the Video] and get inspired for action.

Reading Corner

Name: Pinky Promise
Author: Sailesh Rao
Age: 10+

The Pinky Promise is the touching story of how a little girl turned her grandfather's life around and guided him on his career path at Climate Healers with a vision to transform humanity into a compassionate, climate harmonizing, caretaker species - "Homo Ahimsa".

Be the Change

Reflect on the acts of kindness you'd like to do for the Mother Earth and do at-least one today. You can also check this link for ideas and inspiration.