Inclusion Makes The World More Vibrant

February 04, 2023

Quote of the Week

"We all should know that diversity makes for a rich tapestry, and we must understand that all the threads of the tapestry are equal in value no matter what their color." - Maya Angelou

Inclusion Makes The World More Vibrant

Inclusion isn’t just an educational style, it’s a life philosophy. Children pick up cues from adults early on, and if you make a big deal of people’s differences, your children will, too. Inclusive education combats the world’s tendency toward prejudice and fear, and produces more tolerant, peaceful, and open children—and adults. At its core, inclusive education is about appreciating each individual’s differences and unique set of strengths and limitations. It’s not just an education philosophy; it’s an important life skill. Children grow into adults who live in a world filled with people different from themselves; learning how to interact and work with these people is a key accomplishment of childhood, as integral as academic proficiency.

Here's a heartwarming video of a little boy who helps his blind mother experience an art gallery in the most surprising way. What starts of as a way for the mother to see through the eyes of the child, quickly turns into an example of seeing what's beyond the senses. We hope you enjoy the little video as much as we did. [see video]

Reading Corner

Title: The Same But Different Too
By: Karl Newson
Ages: 2-5

Amazing adorable menagerie of characters highlighting their similarities and differences! These illustrations are absolutely so endearing. I just want to hug each one! The most important message of this book jumps out from the get go- I am me and you are you and that is just the way it is supposed to be. Our similarities and differences are what keep the balance in the world. We need each other.

Simple examples highlight the similarities and the differences and show how they are beneficial and that they work together for a symbiotic relationship. The rhymes are very nice and flow easily and the illustrations enrich the simple words. This is a great read-aloud which will be memorized and recited along. It is just so sweet. I really appreciate the attention to mindfulness and how it presents different ways of paying attention. The last 2-page spread is adorable beyond words! Highly recommend this book! - Amazon Reviewer

Be the Change

What does inclusion mean to you? This week have a heart to heart conversation with your child on what inclusion means to them. What do they see as 'different'? What are the thoughts that cross their mind when they see someone that's not like them? If you have the time later, reflect on what you learnt in the process of these conversations with your child?