Acceptance And Compassion Through Play

January 18, 2020

Quote of the Week

"You'll never find a rainbow if you're looking down" - Charlie Chaplin

Encouraging Acceptance And Compassion Through Play

"Developing kindness and compassion for others is a critical part of young children's development. The ability to accept others — even if they are different — and feel compassion for them is an essential component of social competency. This is just as important as any academic training. Socially competent children are more successful in life. The ability to relate to and accept people who are different is not just a desired trait — it's a necessity for living in today's diverse society.

Teaching acceptance and compassion through play can be great fun. You'll have the opportunity to explore a wide range of children's interests, traditions, and cultures. Once children begin to understand the basic principle of compassion, which is kindness, and once they are introduced to the joy of differences, they can begin to teach themselves through experience and relationships."  [read more]

Reading Corner

Title: The Bad Seed
By: Jory John
Ages: 3 and up

"This is a book about a bad seed. A baaaaaaaaaad seed. How bad? Do you really want to know?

He has a bad temper, bad manners, and a bad attitude. He’s been bad since he can remember! This seed cuts in line every time, stares at everybody and never listens. But what happens when one mischievous little seed changes his mind about himself, and decides that he wants to be—happy?

The Bad Seed: a funny yet touching tale that reminds us of the remarkably transformative power of will, acceptance, and just being you. The Bad Seed proves that positive change is possible for each and every one of us." - Publishers

Be the Change

Maintaining a positive attitude is a difficult task for adults, and it’s even more challenging for children. But our brains can be trained to be more positive by engaging in positive activities.  Here are some helpful activities to get you started  -- making small changes daily could help you to build deeper roots and a stronger foundation for yourself and your children.