Mindfulness for the Holidays

December 22, 2018

Quote of the Week

"Children need your presence more than your presents." -- Jesse Jackson

8 Mindfulness Tips For The Holidays

The holiday season can be a stressful time—whether you are dealing with family or mingling at work holiday parties. Try these mindfulness strategies to reduce stress and bring a calm and attentive approach to your holiday this year.  Mindfulness is a way to be open and aware of what is happening in the moment—being present both internally and externally. Mindfulness has been shown to improve relationship satisfaction, reduce stress in relationships and also help reduce internal stress and anxiety. Consider these timely strategies to increase your mindfulness during this hectic time of year.

Reading Corner

Title: A Still Quiet Place: A Mindfulness Program for Teaching Children and Adolescents to Ease Stress and Difficult Emotions
By: Amy Saltzman
Stage: Teens

"Teaching kids stress management skills early in life will help them to grow into happy and healthy adults. And if you work with children or adolescents, you know that kids today need these skills more than ever. [...]  A Still Quiet Place presents an eight-week mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) program that therapists, teachers, and other professionals can use to help children and adolescents manage stress and anxiety in their lives, and develop their natural capacities for emotional fluency, respectful communication, and compassionate action."  -- Publishers

Be the Change

Incorporate some of the mindfulness suggestions in the feature article, or consider these that focus on breath and body as well.