10 Ways To Help Children Cultivate A Joyful Life

October 14, 2017

Quote of the Week

"Find out where joy resides, and give it a voice far beyond singing. For to miss the joy, is to miss all." -- Robert Louis Stevenson

10 Simple Steps To Helping Your Child Cultivate A Joyful Life

"Being a kid is serious business nowadays. Times have changed and kids today can be almost as stressed out as their working parents. In this day and age, many people would give anything to have a child that was not stressed out, but wouldn’t it be great if you could help your child cultivate a joyful life? Is it possible?

Yes, it is! So much of life is about learning. Kids watch us and emulate us even when we are not at our best. Kids do learn to be stressed and unhappy so the truth is they can learn to create joy for themselves and others." As parents we know so well that values and ways of being are often "caught, not taught" when it comes to our children. This week's featured article shares 10 simple ideas we can all collectively take on board as a family to bring more joy into our lives. [read article]

Reading Corner

Title: The Jar of Happiness
By: Alisa Burrows
Ages: 3-8

Why? "Our 4 and 6-year-old daughters love this book! It's about a little girl who makes a potion in a jar that brings her happiness, but one day she loses her jar and learns about all the other things in life that bring her joy and happiness! It's a beautiful story to learn about the little things in life that contribute to our happiness, which we can sometimes overlook."

Be the Change

Choose one of the ten joy-filling ideas in this week's article and try to incorporate it into life this week to boost your family's happiness! :)