Upcoming Circles

Below is the list of local conversations in this "+T" series ...

October 2014: Music + Transformation (Gwhyneth Chen and Rev. Heng Sure)

November 2014: Technology + Transformation (Tom Mahon and Tapan Parikh)

December 2014: Education + Transformation (Audrey Lin)

March 2015: Business + Transformation (Rahul Brown and Birju Pandya)

April 2015: Law + Transformation (Preeta Bansal and Sujata Baliga)

-- 70 people convened at Karma Kitchen, across various themes and tilled the soil

May 2015: Education + T Retreat (Audrey Lin and Ward Maillard)

June 2015: Money + Transformation (Birju Pandya and Min Xuan Lee)

July 2015: Medicine + Transformation (Sriram Shamasunder and Thuy Nguyen)

August 2015: Faith + Transformation (Aryae Coopersmith and Charles Gibbs)

September 2015: Activism + Transformation (Pancho Ramos and Mark Dubois)

Last Quarter 2015: Money + Transformation 1-day Retreat (Kozo, ...)

March 2015: Compassion Quotient 3-day Retreat