About Me  

I'm joining Service Space because ... service is not a separate entity, but instead worked into the fiber of my daily life. To be part of a community that inspires a commitment to service amongst its members and their wider communities is a special group to be a part of.

A good day to me is when ... I have a genuine interaction with someone, an interaction where I allow them to lift my spirits, or they allow me to lift their, not to mention a mutual lifting.

My hero in life is ...(are) my parents for constantly defying what it means to be role models.

My favorite book is ...The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss

One thing I'm grateful for is ... the love and kindess I have been nurtured with since my childhood. Whether it was friends, family, or teachers, they have always helped cultivate and engender a sense of hope and positivity within me since a young age.