A 15-year-old's Song of Love, Peace and Joy

February 13, 2016

Quote of the Week

"Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier." -- Mother Teresa

A 15-year-old's Song Of Love, Peace And Joy

"In February of 2012, (I was 11 at the time), my family and I, took an American tour group to visit a slum in Delhi, India. On our way there, a tour member commented about becoming emotional at what she was going to see. My dad told her and the group to simply ‘count the smiles’ they would see on the faces of the children and people in the slums, and notice the joy in their eyes. This experience became the inspiration for the song ‘Counting Smiles’, the first song I recorded and one of the featured tracks on this album... and thus began my ‘Spreading Love’ musical journey. [...]

In a world filled with so much hatred, anger, war, and sadness, I wanted to create an album that would spread more love, peace and joy in this world. I want to be able to touch, move and inspire others with my songwriting, singing and speaking as I continue to travel far and wide on this beautiful planet." -- Shivani Ray

Inspirational music from the next generation has arrived. Fifteen-year-old Shivani is a wise soul that represents the spirit and youth of our time. Her music and message gives us all hope that future generations are in good hands. In honor of the upcoming holiday which is a celebration of Love, sit together with your family and take a few minutes to listen and sing along with Shivani's latest musical offering called "Spreading Love" (lyrics are included at the bottom of the page). This song also features a surprise guest artist and dear friend of the Cubs Community, Nimo Patel of Empty Hands Music, who recorded and gifted Shivani the rap piece featured in her song literally overnight, upon receiving an email from her father! :)

Reading Corner

Title: The 5 Love Languages of Children
By: Ross Campbell and Gary Chapman
Stage: Any

"I think this book is fascinating! I've noticed that my children, my spouse and I all have a love language that relates to them. The love language is your preferred way of giving & receiving love. What I loved most about this book is the knowledge that when you discipline a child in their love language it cuts really deep. For example, my daughter is a words of affirmation child, and when I correct her actions, she shuts down (even when I do it in the nicest way 'we can't touch that sweetie') My son is a physical touch child, and if I punish him by not letting him sit on my lap, it really hurts his feelings. But if I correct him with words, he doesn't care. It talks a lot about how parents can do everything they want to show their children love, but if they are not showing the child love in the way they prefer it, the child may feel unloved, even to the most attentive parent." -- Goodreads Reviewer

Be the Change

In lieu of traditional Valentine's Day cards, make secret kindness notes with your family to share love with each other, friends, family and classmates! These cards are so sweet, check-out this link to find out how to go about making your own secret kindness notes :)