Awakin Teens On Success :)
--Lena Kimura
1 minute read
Nov 13, 2019


This last weekend we had another Teen Awakin meeting at Banyan Grove, which turned out to be a really 'awakening' experience.

Before the day of service, a few of us came the evening before to volunteer and prep, and also circle up together after a couple months. On this first night, our two brilliant guest speakers, Tim and Vishesh led me and about 10 other teens (plus Audrey!) through an intimate circle. We discussed what true success meant to us and some of the conflicts we face when trying to reach whatever that success was to us. My favorite part of the night was when we split into two groups, one mediated by Vishesh and one by Tim. The idea of these smaller circles were to take the really deep questions we thought of prior when discussing success, and to pick out smaller questions which we could answer.

A common question seemed to revolve around how do we engage with friends and family outside of this circle whom we would normally only speak to on a superficial level. Of course, this question was not easily answered either, but the input from the peers in my circle was comforting and I was relieved to hear that everyone else shared the some of the same question as me.


Posted by Lena Kimura on Nov 13, 2019

3 Past Reflections