Earth Day -- On A CharityFocus T-Shirt!
--Nipun Mehta
2 minute read
Apr 22, 2010


[As a headline of our earliest press coverage read -- "Charity Begins At Home." Over the years, my local cousins (Neil and Mira) have taken the CF spirit and done lots of acts of kindness ranging from a community car wash to tagging an entire plane!  Today, bunch of us got this note and photo from their mom, Sonar Thekdi.]

Last night Mira came to me and said Mom I need your CharityFocus t-shirt – now this is a shirt that Guri gave me something like 5 years ago, and it was a little small, and I always thought that someday I am going to fit into that (BTW, I am doing good on that front – have been working out RELIGIOUSLY for the last 4-5 months, and feeling really good :)) but anyway, so Mira wanted the shirt.

Surprised, I asked her why and she said she needed a shirt to make something for Earth Day. 

At first I was like, no, no that shirt should not be ruined, to which Mira goes in, finds and brings the shirt and tells me – "Look Mom, on  the front  I am making a big earth and in the back it says ‘Be the Change’ -- that’s perfect, because that’s the message I want to give."  Hearing that, I was speechless.

We've often been too busy to be engaged in local CF activities, and I always had felt bad that the kids have been really missing out.  But all along, they have really been comprehending the true spirit of what CharityFocus is all about -- and I just couldn’t help but feel gratitude for our awesome, cool family and all of you who have knowingly and unknowingly influenced Neil and Mira in so many positive, creative and compassionate ways.   I am so proud of the individuals they are turning out to be. THANK YOU to all of you!


Posted by Nipun Mehta on Apr 22, 2010

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