My Daughter, Anne-Marie, And Peace
--Manal Mehta
1 minute read
Oct 4, 2013


This past Monday morning, while getting the kids ready for school, my nine-year-old daughter (Anha) looked at me and remarked that I looked tired. In my morning haste, I never made eye contact with her, but a few minutes later she asks me, "What would you want to have right now?" to which I responded, "Peace". As I stepped out of the front door, Anha whipped out a ceramic peace ornament and commented, 'Consider it an early birthday gift, Mumma!' I later learned that this ornament belonged to Anne-Marie and somehow changed hands over the Awakin NJ retreat. I believe the ornament is hand made, and I felt incredibly floored how the love continues to ripple, from one hand to another. Feeling so honored to be in Anne-Marie's company, to see her featured on today's DailyGood, and to have spent time with her beautiful energy! It takes so many small snippets to weave together a story of love.


Posted by Manal Mehta on Oct 4, 2013