Change Yourself, Change the World.

Editor's Note: Welcome to 2015's first 'Work + Transformation,' a newsletter that looks at the latest in workplace ideas, innovations and research through the lens of inner change. Today a growing number of scientists, entrepreneurs and executives are exploring the relationship between personal well-being, business, and collective impact. Work + Transformation is a humble attempt to deliver insights from these explorations and more to your inbox. The intention is to invite reflection and additional insight to your work and journey. Regards, Birju

The Practice of Self-Reflection

To know about the value of small practices is the first step to actually doing them. Check out this research about the seemingly small habit of writing about yourself. This activity has capacity to shift our motivation, allowing us to be less driven by extrinsic incentives (eg money) and more by our inner compass (eg values).

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Top 10 Studies on Meaning in 2014

There’s a lot of work being done nowadays on the value of focusing on inner life. Here are the top 10 studies of 2014 on this topic, touching on mindfulness, gratitude, generosity, awe, and more.

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Shifting from Annual Review to Authentic Conversation

100 million people in the USA get up and go to work every day. These positions tend to involve regular evaluation, and are the source of much antagonism and stress as performance is distilled down to a financial value. Here is a potential alternative direction, shifting towards deeper relationship in the office.

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Social Innovation: Good, with Blind Spots

The movement of social entrepreneurs in recent years has been seen as a panacea for social ills. It’s also been seen as a harbinger towards the next level of human prosperity. This review speaks to the limits of social enterprise: specifically personal, cultural, and systemic transformation.

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Be the Change

Harvard Business School professor Shawn Achor gives this powerful TEDtalk on happiness at the workplace and its connection to transformative practices of gratitude, mindfulness, and beyond!