Change Yourself, Change the World.

Editor's Note: Welcome to October's 'Work + Transformation,' a newsletter that looks at the latest in workplace ideas, innovations and research through the lens of inner change. Today a growing number of scientists, entrepreneurs and executives are exploring the relationship between personal well-being, business, and collective impact. Work + Transformation is a humble attempt to deliver insights from these explorations and more to your inbox. The intention is to invite reflection and additional insight to your work and journey. Regards, Birju

What is Transformation?

Policy makers are increasingly thinking about the importance of transformation as a strategy for humans to adapt to a rapidly changing world. But how do we define transformation? How can we invite a shift on the inside (shifting perception) as a component to transformation?

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What is Enough?

This college professor lives in a dumpster. He does it as a project, and tongue in cheek, but there is a serious side. An inquiry into asking what is essential for him in his external needs. How can we each evolve our own definition of what is essential externally to free up more resources to focus on implementing inner technologies?

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Does Your Company Make You a Better Person?

The latest from Harvard researchers on what it means to go beyond a ‘learning organization’ into a ‘deliberately developmental’ one. Every day we go to work, why? Do accumulate? To ‘help others’? These researchers say that a very important piece of the answer should be ‘to grow within.’

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The Science of Awe

To be in a state of awe is the space of potential transformation, because it is an experience of broken preconceptions and heart expansion. Science has been increasingly looking at this emotional experience and finding many lessons for how to leverage awe to grow within.

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Be the Change

Greater Good Science Center's first online course on Happiness and Transformation is hosting a 21 day mindfulness challenge on KindSpring, click here to join the +thousand others!