Change Yourself, Change the World.

Editor's Note: Welcome to 'Work + Transformation', a newsletter that looks at the latest in workplace ideas, innovations and research through the lens of inner change. Today a growing number of scientists, entrepreneurs and executives are exploring the relationship between personal well-being, business, and collective impact. Work + Transformation is a humble attempt to deliver insights from these explorations and more to your inbox. The intention is to invite reflection and additional insight to your work and journey. Regards, Birju

Representative Sample?

Scientific studies, upon which generalizations are made about human behavior, are not as generally applicable as we thought. How would you rethink your worldview about human nature if there was less science to base it off?

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Personal to Planetary Transformation

Former UN leader reflects on the importance of inner inquiry and shift as a parallel activity to social and environmental upliftment. In addition to a few examples, there’s a powerful framework here as to how to meld the inner work with the outer work.

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Empathy in the Workplace

Empathy – to feel for another. It’s getting more and more traction in the workplace, and now beyond simply a feel-good initiative. Leaders are starting to see the wealth-generating benefits that come to those that create more conditions for empathy. How to invite more empathy in your office?

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Principles for Inner Transformation at Work

Workplace is rife with ‘transformational work’ nowadays. The opportunity to invite inner transformation is a high value activity but requires habit shift. This values-centered reflection offers ways to invite transformation through mindset shifts.

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Be the Change

KindSpring has just launched a portal for practicing small acts of transformation. Check it out to run your own challenge in the office, or join the global kindness challenge starting on October 2nd!