Change Yourself, Change the World.

Editor's Note: Welcome to 'Work + Transformation', a newsletter that looks at the latest in workplace ideas, innovations and research through the lens of inner change. Today a growing number of scientists, entrepreneurs and executives are exploring the relationship between personal well-being, business, and collective impact. Work + Transformation is a humble attempt to deliver insights from these explorations and more to your inbox. The intention is to invite reflection and additional insight to your work and journey. Regards, Birju

A New Story for a New Economy

According to economist David Korten, we each play out stories in our lives.  The stories we choose to play out has consequences for our economy.  How can we each integrate a story of a 'living universe' into our day-to-day life?

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The Internet's Original Sin

In a world where much of our internet experience is 'free,' it bears asking who exactly is paying for our use?  The ad-supported web has some deep consequences.  As we acknowledge interdependence, bringing that awareness to our use of technology is of value.

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Your Brain on Scarcity

Poverty in our society is as much about 'bandwidth poverty' of the mind as material deficit.  When you're bandwidth poor, you're thinking about how to pay for food and make rent today — and it's almost impossible to think about the future. It is during this time that practices of kindness, gratitude, and mindfulness bring extra value.

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Behind the Scenes of Today's Venture

A story from today's venture capital approach, following young startups as they seek funding.  The path to growing in one's values in this jungle continues to hold challenges, and yet, possible.  These are also the hotbeds of new cultures focused on well-being.

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Be the Change

Each of the pieces in this newsletter are feature length; they have been shared with the intention of focusing on the few that draw your deepest attention. Each holds a view towards the inner workings of today's system, with an invitation to rethink how we engage. Thank you for your attention!