Change Yourself, Change the World.

Editor's Note: Welcome to the third issue of 'Work + Transformation', a newsletter that looks at the latest in workplace ideas, innovations and research through the lens of inner change. Today a growing number of scientists, entrepreneurs and executives are exploring the relationship between personal well-being, business, and collective impact. Work + Transformation is a humble attempt to deliver insights from these explorations and more to your inbox. The intention is to invite reflection and additional insight to your work and journey. Regards, Birju

Sharing Economy a Misnomer?

As the sharing economy continues to generate buzz and high valuations in Silicon Valley, are we slowly forgetting what sharing actually means? Enabling a trust-based exchange without financial quid pro quo is a direction that few organizations can offer at this point.

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Dark Ecology

Paul Kingsnorth has looked through all the climate science, and he sees tough times ahead. His work is in writing a new narrative that acknowledges that the end of material progress wouldn’t be the end of human progress.

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Information Avoidance

To not know about a topic seems to make it more likely that individuals may willfully ignore opportunities to learn about it. Developing the capacity to learn about topics that we know least about is becoming a needed skill.

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Gross National Happiness

Balancing material wealth with inner wealth is becoming a hot topic. Bhutan has been experimenting for some time, and recently invited a delegation to explore what such a balance could look like if shared beyond their borders.

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Be the Change

What can you do to share positive emotion in your network this week?