Change Yourself, Change the World.

Editor's Note: Welcome to Work+Transformation! In this issue, we focus on work practices that shift culture from the inside out. Many schools of thought on how to do this, our lens is geared towards evolution of consciousness towards love. Enjoy! Regards, Birju

Becoming a Deliberately Developmental Organization (DDO)

We have previously featured Harvard's work on the DDO, an org that functions primarily and explicitly to grow the people that are connected to it. Here's their latest on examples of how to get more of such an approach in your organization, regardless of what products or services you engage with.

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The Power of Forgiveness at Work

A major component of difficult work cultures is how we process unpleasant feelings. Usually they are projected onto some external source, which is then blamed. Greater Good Science Center goes into how forgiveness is increasingly playing an important role in the workplace, and shares concrete approaches on how to incorporate this practice.

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B Corps + Teal Organizations

An investor and consultant writes in Stanford Social Innovation Review about the possibility to integrate 1- structures and processes that focus on human development with 2- businesses whose products and services fulfill human needs in a regenerative manner. How wonderful!

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Questioning the Gospel of Consumption

As human productivity continues to rise, we continue discovering desires we didn't know we had just a short while ago. This piece in Orion examines the growth of this phenomenon, and the impacts it has on the water we swim in - our culture of workism, scale, and financialization.

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Be the Change

Take a look through the article on forgiveness and consumption and see if you can bring one additional practice into your life. How can you shift your relationship with workism and/or consumption? Where can you offer forgiveness (even non-verbally) in your professional context? Sending good wishes to you all!