Change Yourself, Change the World.

Editor's Note: Welcome to Work+Transformation! In this newsletter we look at the latest in shifting perception and human development in the workplace. This month we highlight research and reflections on listening, dialogue, and open-mindedness in the workplace. Enjoy! Regards, Birju

What Great Listeners Actually Do

You've got the listening basics down. Here's the next level. HBR studied 3500 people, identified those who were 'top 5% listeners' through peer assessments, and then distilled the key enabling qualities. Read on for the specifics...

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A new experiment in business is highlighted where leaders are invited into meditation-dialogue spaces to evolve their businesses. Read on for the details of what this is and why it matters.

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Your Brain is on Autopilot - Here is How to Wake it Up

It's not that we make bad decisions - but that usually we're not even aware there is a decision to make. Fast Company shows there are systems we can put in place to shift this, and the more we practice, the more we transcend our subconscious habit patterns.

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The Fertile Ground of Bewilderment

Charles Eisenstein's latest blog on the furor around Brexit as a microcosm for something larger. Whether we call it populism or nationalism, the sirens are getting louder the world over. How to be in space of listening and non-judgment when the size of perceived threats promote fear and polarization on all sides?

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Be the Change

Utilize your enhanced listening habits to engage in your own practice of meditation-dialogue. This in itself will potentially invite a few habit shifts, from creating space/time, to engaging with a meaningful topic. Try to do this at work!