Change Yourself, Change the World.

Editor's Note: Welcome to Work+Transformation! This newsletter focuses on the latest developments in shifts in perception, worldview, and personal capacity as it relates to the workplace. This month we see how inner development is starting to relate to the 'new economy.' Enjoy! Regards, Birju

The Values Revolution: Empathy in the New Economy

We shape our economy as much as it shapes us. The Good Work Code is another example of how companies are looking to make explicit their ethic of care, acknowledging that human connection is an important part of business.

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Future of Business: Focus on BEing along with DOing

What's after the 'triple bottom line'? Fast Company describes a growing movement to invite relationship and heart into business, where behavior shifts because all stakeholders are seen and known.

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Correlation Between Smart and Happy

The Atlantic interviews author and biz school professor Raj Raghunathan on the connection between personal happiness (or well-being) and intelligence. Turns out that just like income, the correlation of 'smartness' to happiness is low. However, there are approaches that fare better...

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A 9000 Person Company With No Managers

Buurtzorg - the healthcare company with ~$300M in revenues, went from nothing to 60% marketshare in Netherlands in 8 years. Their secret - strong values-orientation, empower the frontline, invite frequent reflection, love people :)

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Be the Change

This week invite the possibility of doubling down on a process-orientation. Pick a practice inspired by one of these readings that you don't already do. Invite it into your work life. Share the article behind it with your team to invite cultural evolution. Share what happens in comments :)