Change Yourself, Change the World.

Editor's Note: Welcome to Work+Transformation! This months newsletter highlights 4 stories and subsequent insights from the social sciences. The key point to focus on here is the applicability to the business world - how to transfer the lessons into the workplace? Enjoy! Regards, Birju

7 Habits of Highly Depolarizing People

To polarize is to create conflict with an 'other.' Over time this can create toxicity, whether at level of family, company or society. As we move to create workplaces (and societies) where we see these patterns and can shift them, here are some communication tools to help.

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What Happens in the Brain When We Hear Stories?

As a society, when we want to shape people's minds, we use many tools. In business, it tends to be either numbers or science (despite their poor track record). Here is a case for story, which is something many purpose-driven organizations already employ.

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How Happy Brains Respond to Bad News

While our limbic systems drive emotion and executive system drives planning (roughly speaking), getting 'rid' of emotions is neither possible nor useful. New research on limbic-driver, the amygdala, is showing the capacity for us to shift limbic patterns towards compassion. What it takes is an attention practice - something that can be done in the office.

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The Enormous Power of the Unconscious

BBC recently shared research on the subconscious, finding that it is the overwhelming driver of thought, speech, and action. Like a tape player that is consciously recorded once and plays back many times. This is not necessarily a bad thing, as any high performer will tell you. The invitation here is to reflect on how this capacity can help, or hinder, the inner development practice. How to leverage at your workplace?

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Be the Change

Practice being depolarizing this week. It is hard to plan for, but next time you find yourself in a conflict situation, invite the possibility that there is no single right answer and implement the suggestions here. If you have an experience, please respond to offer it!