Change Yourself, Change the World.

Editor's Note: In this month's issue, we shed light on the concept of systems leadership. Why teams require subtle skillsets to be successful. How changing the pace of the workplace can be a tool for transformation. And the idea of managing emotional triggers in the workplace. Look forward to any reflections! Regards, Birju

The Dawn of System Leadership

The latest from visionary at Harvard, Peter Senge, on leadership that anyone can practice. It takes into account the microscope (thoughts, feelings, subconscious) and telescope (systems, societies) to highlight specific practices for transformation.

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Why Some Teams are Smarter Than Others

Put the smartest people in the room together and you have the smartest team, right? Turns out its not so simple. Cohesiveness demands a different skill, which ends up being more valuable than any single individuals intelligence. Read more for the details.

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The Rhythm of Great Performance

What is the pace of highly effective work? More and more leaders are finding that the 'always on, always running' approach is counter-productive to the world they wish to create. Read this leaders experiments for a wildly different workplace, focused on well-being, which still generates the needed returns otherwise.

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Managing Your Triggers Toolkit

The shift from intellectual understanding to embodied understanding includes addressing of one's triggers: the emotional hot button that moves us into a reactive, imbalanced state. These silent volcanos are our opportunities to engage at the edge of our transformation. Read more on how to do this in the workplace!

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Be the Change

This week, pay attention to your triggers. The first step is in becoming aware that they exist and represent the part of ourselves that we often don't want to see. What are they? How can they be brought into the open? Take on a practice this week to watch when you are triggered and to feel the discomfort rather than react to it!