Change Yourself, Change the World.

Editor's Note: Welcome to the first issue of 'work + transformation', a newsletter that looks at the latest in workplace ideas, innovations and research through the lens of inner change. Today a growing number of scientists, entrepreneurs and executives are exploring the relationship between generosity and happiness, selflessness and success, compassion and health, and money and meaning. work + transformation is a humble attempt to deliver insights from these explorations and more to your inbox, in the hope that they might in a small way serve your own work and journey. Regards, Birju

Stressed Out Workers

In a world where the purpose of business is to maximize productivity with a short-term view and human resources are seen as a profit drain to be minimized, is it surprising that >70% of the workforce dislikes their job? Cultural shifts are hard to take on, but as Peter Drucker of HBS says, 'culture eats strategy for lunch.'

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The Rolling Jubilee

There was no need to do so, but citizens banded together to free thousands of their countrymen from debt. More than 60% of US bankruptcies are result of medical emergencies that lead to spiraling costs, thus the target for this group. Building social capital for such emergencies and inner capital to increase preventative approaches to health becomes more and more an individual responsibility.

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Spinning Good Yarn

TED recently created this infographic to outline the guideposts to telling a great story. How to apply these technical skills in a way that highlights some key shifts of inner transformation? Articulating narratives that illustrate people shifting from me to we, scarcity to abundance, etc continues to be very powerful.

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The Quantified Self

They say to 'know thyself' is the pinnacle of wisdom - what is to know thyself? In this context, it means biometric data from weight to hours of sleep to blood sugar. What about acts of kindness performed, smiles shared, minutes in mindfulness? What are the new metrics that acknowledge the importance of small actions for shifting our perceptions?

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Be the Change

What micro-shifts are possible in your place of work to shift the story in minute but consistent ways?