Change Yourself, Change the World.

Editor's Note: They say wisdom can't be taught, it must be caught. These stories share splashes of insight along those lines -- from our summer interns' explorations in generosity, to Harvard research on how teacher and parent attitudes influence student behavior, to compelling teaching advice to "know yourself" in the classroom. --Daniela

Meet Our Summer Interns

Five young minds are spending the summer interning in generosity! From daily practices of stillness, to hands-on service projects, to deep dialogues on topics like moral action and simplicity -- we're in for an illuminating 9 weeks.

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Like Teacher, Like Student

Harvard's Making Caring Common project delves deeper on research that indicates the way parents and teachers prioritize happiness and caring for others ripples into student behavior.

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Advice for New Teachers

"Teaching mirrors back who you are--your fears, gifts, and flaws--like no other profession. Invest in your own personal identity and realize that you have an inner life... that inevitably impacts your instruction and the quality of the learning and the community that exists within your classroom."

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Be The Change Idea

Today, make an extra effort to align your actions with your values. [more]