In the last week, we've received two donations. One from Paul in Wisconsin for $1000, and another from Dee in Alabama for $1. Both unsolicited. Please take a moment of silence to reflect on that, before you read about the nitty gritty.
Last month was another record month for Smile Cards, in every imaginable category. However, the most interesting metric was the number of orders at 1829 for July -- that 60 orders every single day! Last time we saw such numbers, it was in one week of November; since then, we implemented a max limit of 80 orders/day to even out the flow. This month, though, was the first time we saw a very consistent and sustained rise from our previous averages.
The top reffering site? StumbleUpon. In a nutshell, StumbleUpon is a browser plug-in; when you run across a good webpage, you add it to your favorite and then it is publicly shared on the Internet to your peer group. If you Google " stumbleupon", you see 738 hits! So, many people are telling many of their friends and it continues to ripple out. How long will it last? Thus far, it's been record time of over 3 weeks. What happens if other peer sites, like and, take off like that? We'll find out. :)
As it turns out, right before this unexpected surge in smile card orders hit, we had started implementing distributed shipping for domestic orders (in addition to what we already have for international orders). Thus far, it's been working out great with almost a dozen shippers doing ten orders per week, and Bayarea posse clearing it out every week. We plan to broaden that shortly.
It's quite remarkable how this whole thing is working, how people everywhere are being turned on it, and more and more are joining the kindness revolution!
Major kudos go to Ragu for jumping in to man the ship.
So here we go -- the numbers for 2007:
Month | Cards | Orders | Emails | Story/Cmts | Fwds | SmileGroups Mem/Story/Cmts |
Jan 2007 | 5830 | 295 | 44 | 55 (118) | -- | 103/94/238 | |
Feb 2007 | 6080 | 509 | 60 | 53 (244) | -- | 140/66/215 | |
Mar 2007 | 8190 | 593 | 75 | 62 (301) | -- | 210/146/417 | |
Apr 2007 | 14570 | 1002 | 106 | 64 (422) | -- | 282/198/670 | |
May 2007 | 6670 | 366 | 102 | 62 (387) | -- | 278/263/971 | |
Jun 2007 | 10995 | 852 | 105 | 87 (389) | 317 | 258/241/843 | |
Jul 2007 | 22890 | 1829 | 119 | 55 (453) | 191 | 338/321/1287 |
Posted by Nipun Mehta on Aug 4, 2007