Money, Social Good And Inner Transformation
--Min Lee
Feb 9, 2017


Birju's latest interview on BtheChange, with Ryan Honeyman (partner at LIFT Economy and author of The B Corp Handbook) ...

Birju 2Formerly a consultant for McKinsey & Company, Birju Pandya focuses on the nexus of money, social good and inner transformation and works with organizations on the cutting edge of this inquiry. He is a managing director with Armonia, a private equity firm specializing in “regenerative investing” using nature-based solutions. He is chief mindfulness officer for Nessel Development, working in ‘beyond sustainable’ real estate and also a senior advisor to RSF Social Finance, focusing on projects which facilitate “inner impact.” Birju is a longtime volunteer of ServiceSpace, a non-profit that has been popularizing gift culture paradigm.

In this interview, discussion include: Blossoming into meditation and mindfulness with small steps; Whole-person development in the workplace; Dynamic interplay between inner work practices with transcending limiting organizational structures and linear-thinking approaches; Contrasting “ripple effects” with our concepts of “scaling”; The subtle yet profound role of psychological work in using business as a means for personal transformation becoming a better person; Having the vulnerability and courage to ask others “What do I not see?”


Posted by Min Lee on Feb 9, 2017