Around Peace Trees
--Joserra Gonzales
2 minute read
Jan 2, 2017


For many cultures, trees have always been a source of inspiration and wisdom. They have also sheltered meaningful spaces where communities gathered to celebrate, remember or cry together.
We could think we are disconnected from trees, we could think that our society doesn't value these amazing beings. The truth is that every activity we organize around a tree, or every time we talk about trees, everyone in the circle shows how much alive that connection still is. Whether we know it or not, we live in symbiosis with the trees, we couldn't survive without them. And it's so beautiful to witness us, as conscious beings, coming back to the trees to reconnect with them and share presence and feelings under their branches.

Few days ago, around 40 of us gathered under a Yew Tree, a magnificent species with thousands of uses and meanings, to share silence and peace messages for peace in Sirya, but also for peace in ourselves and in our areas of influence.

We spent the first part of the evening writing messages of peace and good wishes. After, we held the messages with us during 20 minutes of shared silence in a circle. And after the silence, we read the messages we had wrote and hung them on the branches after reading them out aloud.

The simple action was full of symbolism, beauty and collective wisdom. Again under the trees, again together.

Today, more than 40 messages of peace hang on the tree. A marvelous invitation to recover our sacred connection with the trees, with ourselves and with others.


More people joined around circles in Portugal, India, Canada... :)




Posted by Joserra Gonzales on Jan 2, 2017