This Is What Jumped Out At ...
--Michaele Premet-Rosen
1 minute read
Nov 26, 2016


This is what jumped out at me, from the article about "election stress", the link takes you to:

"One even better way to lower your stress response is to do those things that you do best, and do them for others. If enough of us apply our own special talents to doing good, then perhaps the cumulative good will have a chance of canceling out the bad, while lowering our collective stress in the process. That may sound naïve, but it works. Love and compassion are actually moreeffective ways to counter the brain’s stress response, by activating all those positive brain hormones, nerve chemicals, and brain pathways, than is trying hard to reduce stress.

When I asked the Dalai Lama whether he uses meditation to reduce stress, he shook his head. “Stress,” he said, was not a word in the Buddhist tradition. When I asked why, then, does he meditate, he answered, compassion — love. It’s that simple." 


Posted by Michaele Premet-Rosen on Nov 26, 2016

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