A Labyrinth Is A Very Special ...
--Savraj Thind
2 minute read
Sep 20, 2015


A labyrinth is a very special place. We visited one two weeks ago. It sits in a secluded clearing next to a marvelous river called the "Blaeberry". The journey through it was enlightening. I began by standing thoughtfully at its entrance, inhaling and exhaling deeply before gingerly stepping in. I watched every step I took. The more I walked the calmer I got and the less I paid attention to every step. I realized that I really couldn't go off course. Even if I had my eyes closed, the labyrinth was designed to lead me to It's centre. So I let it lead me. I was so much more at ease, and able to think more clearly about decisions and problems and gratitudes and love, once I stopped worrying about where I was going. Suddenly I made the connection between the labyrinth and life. In life, if we were to believe that there is a path designed for us to follow, we would also be so much happier and so much less stressed. We would know that we are at the right place at the right time and that all things are as they should be. The universe is on our side. The path is there for us. We can make our own decisions of how to walk the path or even whether to walk, run or even skip backwards along it if we wanted to! We have lots of choices to make along the way so that we don't fall off the path but ultimately the path will lead us to its beautiful Centre and beyond. It is a perfect place to embrace faith in the universe and surrender to the truth.   


Posted by Savraj Thind on Sep 20, 2015

4 Past Reflections