Awakin with Sri M (in Berkeley)!
Come to a morning w/ spiritual guide, social reformer, and educator Sri M!

Sri M was born as Mumtaz Ali to a Sufi Muslim family from Kerala.  At age 9, a stranger showed up in his backyard in an unforgettable encounter.  A decade later at age 19, he ventured off to the Himalayas and found the very man he encountered in his boyhood home, where his training and lineage sat at the intersection of Kriya Yoga and the Nath yogi lineage.   Over the coming decades, met many spiritual teachers and saints, including Neem Karoli Baba, Lakshman Joo, and J. Krishnamurti .

Sri M's fascinating life story is captured in Apprenticed to a Himalayan Master, which has sold millions of copies internationally.

Sri M emphasizes that spiritual evolution should go together with regular daily life, and encourages aspirants to see the world around them as their touchstone for inner practice.  “Go to the core.  Theories are of no use,” he says, and his central message encourages transcending the outer shells of religion to get at the inner mystical core which nurtures innate goodness regardless of race, caste, or creed.  In recent years, he’s also met with religious leaders like The Dalai Lama and Pope Francis to bring out their voices in support of interfaith peace and harmony.

After establishing a number of residential schools for children across South India as well as a holistic health center and an interfaith initiative called Manav Ekta Mission (or Human Unity Mission), he also completed a 500-day, 4,600 mile walking pilgrimage from the Southern tip of India to the northernmost state of Kashmir last year.  The Walk of Hope had a mission of interfaith harmony, equality for all, sustainable living, women’s empowerment, community health, and education.  He's replicated aspect of this walk in Europe and plans to do more walks as a way of connecting to the grassroots while seeding worthy projects.

When he’s in India, hundreds and thousands of people show up to meet him wherever he goes.  Yet he’s once again graciously agreed to come to a humble living room for a morning of meditation, Q&A, and a light lunch.

And you’re invited.  RSVP below!