Awakin Circle with Sheetal, Khushmita,Zilong: "From Pune and China With Love" (Mill Hill)
When Sheetal and his wife Khushmita inherited his family's 15-room ancestral home in Pune, they decided to share their home with the entire community -- by turning it into an ashram. It was while attending an Awakin circle at the original home in Santa Clara where these gatherings first began, that Sheetal had this "aha" moment: "A community of noble friends can also be spiritual teachers to each other!" This realization planted the seeds of what was to manifest as The Urban Ashram.  The Urban Ashram, an urban oasis in the heart of the city of Pune, is a space to dedicated to the work of inner transformation.  The Urban Ashram is a space where community gathers regularly for yoga, Awakin Circles, inspiring talks by incredible pilgrims, giftivism projects such as a book library and hand crafted Wisdom Crafts, laughter yoga, inspirational movie nights as well as musical Satsangs by traveling artists among other activities -- with seven other homes in Pune also hosting Awakin Circles. Sheetal also anchors on-line music offering called Maitri Tunes.

Sheetal and Khushmita live and serve at the Urban Ashram, opening their home and hearts each day to everyone.  They also spend part of each year in Ahmedabad where they serve as anchors of the ServiceSpace community in India called Moved By Love.  Moved by Love is a portal dedicated to small acts of transformative service. Through online and local projects, we aim to cultivate decentralized communities of practice that ignite our fundamental generosity, and thus catalyzing both inner and outer transformation.  Together, the Moved By Love volunteer team has hosted over 100 retreats and planted seeds for so many beautiful ripples through projects including Seva Cafe, Wisdom Crafts, Pay-It-Forward Rickshaw, Karma Kitchens, and more! 

RSVP to join in on May 24th in Mill Hill to hear more about Sheetal and Khushmita's journey "From Pune with Love" :)

The flow for the evening:
6.30pm - Sit in collective silence
7:30pm - Sheetal and Khushmita share reflections and stories from their personal service journeys
8:00pm - Q&A and circle of sharing with the group
8:45pm - Home-cooked vegetarian dinner  

The evening is offered in the spirit of service, there is no charge for attending the gathering.

After you submit your RSVP, you will be emailed follow-up details a few days prior to the gathering.