Interfaith Day in the Sukkah in our Garden
Interfaith Day in the Sukkah in our Garden

We invite you to join us for an interfaith celebration in the Sukkah in our garden on Sunday, October 23. We’ll begin with an hour of silence, followed by time of shared reflection, music, a meal together and, for all who would like to join us, the ancient ritual of the “four species” for unifying the earth. The Sukkah is a temporary dwelling where Jewish people live for a week each year in memory of our ancient 40 year journey through the desert. We are asked to make our Sukkah with two qualities: it has to be temporary, and it has to be beautiful.

The ancient Jewish festival of Sukkot, going back to biblical times, is celebrated in honor of “the 70 nations” — i.e. all the peoples of the world. It is called “the time of our joy.” Besides being about the historical and spiritual journey of “40 years in the desert,” Sukkot is also a time when we pray for rain — and a year of good sustenance — for all people, everywhere. My teacher Reb Shlomo taught:
“Water is a gift from heaven. It has nothing to do with … what my tribe is, or who I am, or what I do. It falls the same for the rich and the poor, the same for every Christian and every Jew, for every Hindu and every Buddhist and every Muslim...

“There are times for coming to God’s house with [particular gifts according to our circumstances]. And there are other times where God wants us to reach beyond all that, to reach all the way for the gift that heaven is sending straight to all of us, the gift of pure water."
We would be most honored if you can join us — with the gift of your presence — for this gathering and time of joy. The approximate time will be 11 AM to 3 PM on Sunday, Oct. 23. Please RSVP below if you'd like to join us, and we’ll get back to you with more details.

With love and blessings.

Aryae & Wendy