An Experiment: Hands, Head, Heart Retreat!
Gandhi repeatedly emphasized the union of "hands, head, heart", as a foundation for a healthy individual and society. Over the last decade, our Moved by Love community of volunteers have hosted repeated 3-day retreats around that "HHH" theme. Month after month, we would hear unending stories of profound transformation that would ripple into effortless social change. 

Then, the pandemic arrived. While we had to cancel all our retreats, it forced many of us into a deeper, creative inquiry. How do we "make lemonade with the lemons that we're given"?

Can we create a version of our HHH retreat that allows each participant to stay in their homes, but still connect online -- periodically during the course of a weekend, through text messages, 1-on-1 phone calls, group video calls?  Like in our retreats, we would still do hands practices, like doing an act of kindness in our own home or neighborhood; we would still engage with head ideas, with readings and videos, and also invite global guest speakers for live Q&A with us; we will still engage in heart through meditation, journaling and community building practices. 

As we started brainstorming among ourselves, we realized that while it wouldn't be the same as an offline experience, it actually has many unique advantages that might open up new possibilities for cultivating inner transformation, social solidarity while social distance, and seeding acts of service that lead to systemic change.

So, we are starting with an experiment.  For one weekend in June, we are piloting a 2-day virtual hands, head, heart immersion. It'll likely be a learning experience for all of us -- participants AND volunteers. But if you'd like to help us co-create this possibility, please RSVP below and we'll get back to you with more details.