Unlocking The Poetry of Kabir: An Evening of Stillness, Stories and Songs with Vipul Rikhi

“...But if a mirror ever makes
you sad...you should know
that it does not know you.”
― Kabir

Possibly the most-quoted poet-saint of North India is Kabir, the illiterate, 15th century mystic Saint who belonged to a class of weavers in the ancient city of Varanasi. Kabir was a 'nirguni', one who believes in a formless divinity that can be discovered both within and without. His poetry scorns outward rituals and displays of piety with a whip-like wit, exhorting his listeners to seek the divine wisdom through self-interrogation, and to recognise the impermanence of manifest reality. His works have never been documented, rather have traversed centuries by way of song and translations across India, Pakistan and the world.  

We invite you to come together for an evening of Song and contemplation on the Poetry of Kabir, interpreted in English and sung by Vipul Rikhi, who is in London for a short visit.  The evening offers a deep dive into understanding  the wisdom  of self enquiry embedded in Kabir's poetry, which Vipul interprets in simple stories.  

The Flow of the eventing is as follows:
  • 6:30pm - Share a Home-cooked Vegetarian Dinner  
  • 7:15pm - Unlocking the mystical poetry of Kabir , performed and translated by Vipul Rikhi 
  • 9 pm - Conclude 
Please RSVP to let us know if you can join. 

About Vipul Rikhi:-
Vipul Rikhi is a singer, poet, storyteller and translator, immersed in the oral traditions of Kabir and other Bhakti and Sufi poets. His work with Kabir Project involves writing, translations, research, curations and the creation of a vast digital archive called 'Ajab Shahar'. in the course of these magical journeys, Vipul has developed a deep love for singing mystic poetry in the folk music traditions performing widely . He is the author of a novel, "2012 Nights", a collection of poems, "Bleed", a book of translations from the oral traditions, "One Palace, A Thousand Doorways", and co-author of "I Saw Myself: Journeys with Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai".