Nipun Shares ...
--Nipun Mehta
2 minute read
Apr 16, 2011


I met with one of the premier venture capitalists in the Silicon Valley last week.  "Your world is a bit of a blur to me," I said as he smiled and said the same thing back to me.  We had a joyous reunion after many years.  Our conversation started off as an Aikido match -- he gave admiring examples of Bill Gates's ruthlessness and need for violent civic unrest while I spoke about Anna Hazare and Larry Brilliant.  Then, I flipped the script and turned our conversation to everyday heroes like a leg-less street kid using plants as a force for conflict resolution and a rickshaw driver generating dialogue around generosity.  As we spoke about the need for good news, he just randomly says, "I want to fund that."  He's a big donor; I know of a project where he's given $10 million bucks.  Yet, money is a tricky thing. :) I tried to explain the CF model of create-value-*never*-monetize and while he heard it, I don't think he registered it fully.  Anyhow, that was a digression, as our conversation soon veered into the realm of inner transformation -- at one point, he himself wiped a tear after listening to a CF story.  By the end, we enthusiastically hugged, he insisted on having me to speak at a big event with 350 international VC's, come over to his place for dinner, and explore the idea of his son interning with CF. The calling for inner transformation is ubiquitous. It's a good life. :)


Posted by Nipun Mehta on Apr 16, 2011