Three Kind Acts :)
1 minute read
Dec 11, 2018


earthling: Standing By Truth
A month back we got off of a train late in the night. Since we were traveling with parents and our son, my husband wanted us to get home without everyone losing more sleep and booked a cab so it would arrive just as we walked out of the train ...

marchelray: Salvation Army Bell Ringer
This time of year there are always Bell Ringers for the Salvation Army. It was super windy and cold this past weekend --donation dropped when I went in the store. When I came out of store even colder. .. there was a Burger King across the street. Went in bought ...

Christine88: Santa Left A Gift
There is an older couple across the street one house over from me. They keep to themselves. I love their yard with rocks and neat rusted old things. I left a plant by their walk way about 6 months ago. They planted it. They have a small section of colored ...


Posted by on Dec 11, 2018