Someone Posted This Quote Over At ...
--Michaele Premet-Rosen
1 minute read
Jun 7, 2018


Someone posted this quote over at the KindSpring feed and I want to share it here with you. ✨"The problem is not only what you can do. But to do is just one of the things you can do. To Be is another way of doing. If you can be relaxed, if you can be peaceful, if you can be compassionate – that is a lot of action already. If you have peace, tranquillity, compassion then your presence is also very helpful. So to be is very important and to do something that comes from that kind of being, to be peace first and to do peace later. If you have friends who know how to be, to be relaxed to be peaceful, to be fresh, to be healthy then together you can create a powerful collective energy of peace, joy, happiness that can bless many people… and that collective energy of peace contributes to the wellbeing of people."✨ ~ Thich Nhat Hahn


Posted by Michaele Premet-Rosen on Jun 7, 2018

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