🕊🌍🕊 9/11............. ~ From Tricycle Magazine: Along ...
--Michaele Premet-Rosen
1 minute read
Sep 11, 2017


🕊🌍🕊 9/11.............

~ From Tricycle Magazine: Along with the great sadness of 9/11 came a feeling of powerlessness. But as Thanissaro Bhikkhu wrote in our 2001 special section, “September 11: Practice and Perspectives”:

✨"We may be powerless to change the past, but we do have the power to shape the present and the future by what we do, moment by moment, right now.✨

By maintaining equanimity as well as extending compassion to others, we both honor the lives of those who died that day—and in the many violent acts since—and pave the way for a safer, saner world."

❤️🕊And President Obama said, "Even the smallest act of service, the simplest act of kindness, is a way to honor those we lost, a way to reclaim that spirit of unity that followed 9/11."❤️🕊


Posted by Michaele Premet-Rosen on Sep 11, 2017