Monthly Reflection: April
--Pavi Mehta
3 minute read
Apr 2, 2017


As you reflect on the seeding, feeding, weaving metaphor, we'd like to collectively zoom in on "seeding" this month.  It is said that wisdom lies in being able to see fruit in the seed.  Can you share a story of how you have experienced the power of seeds, in your context of ServiceSpace?

This past December we planted flower bulbs in our little garden. Grape hyacinth and daffodil bulbs, little funny, knobby looking things that we put into the soil with John's help during the short, cold winter days. And then we left them there to sleep under their blanket of earth. There's something so poetic about planting bulbs in winter, knowing that spring will come, that the days will lengthen, that the alchemy of sun, air, soil and water will work on the earth and what's meant to break into blossom will break into blossom. And no you can't control the process but you can participate in it -- and what a privilege that is. And over time the distinctions between seed and soil and gardener begin to blur. I thought of this recently because of Steve De Quintal. He is a long time DailyGood readers from Toronto who teaches at a Catholic School. We know very little more about Steve except for the fact that he has an unfailingly grateful heart. For years now, at least a couple of times a week he sends us a "Thank you!" note. Here's one that came yesterday:

On a Saturday morning, I can't resist sending you an email of gratitude for such great emails!!!! Again and again, all the best with your very special work!
Peace, Joy, Hope, Charity, Appreciation and Humility,
Steve De Quintal
Teacher, St. Mary Catholic Academy

Recently when Afreen -- who handled the DailyGood inbox for a long stretch of time, brought up the idea of tagging Steve, she was echoing a seed intention in my own heart. Now in my care is a surprise package for Steve that Afreen put together -- it includes a handwritten card from her thanking him for "the unflinching positivity" he constantly shares that, "brightens our day and adds even more hope that indeed good things bloom and shine around our world on a daily basis." Also included in the package a beautiful illustrated book titled, "Dear Pope Francis" The Pope Answers Letters from Children Around the World :)  a gorgeous scented candle, assorted chocolates, a little book on Mindfulness, AND an assortment of seed packets -- moonflowers, marigolds,zinnias and cosmos :)  I've often thought of the newsletters that ServiceSpace sends out as little seeds -- or little bulbs that come in all shapes and sizes, that get buried in the varied soil of people's inboxes. Sometimes during wintry seasons of soul. And since none of it is truly in any of our control, whenever anything blossoms it feels like the miracle it is...But I'd never consciously realized that Steve's thank you notes were a kind of dedicated seed-planting too...until I saw Afreen's package and all of its abundant overflowing goodness, and had one of those beautiful moments of realizing the gardener too is always and ever part of the garden. It feels fitting, that this morning before sitting down to send this share, I checked the DailyGood inbox. And there at the top of the queue was an email from Steve in response to today's newsletter: "​Beautiful... truly beautiful!!!!"

Ditto ditto right back at you Steve :)


Posted by Pavi Mehta on Apr 2, 2017

4 Past Reflections