Below Is A Photo Of A ...
--Ketan Vikamsey
1 minute read
Mar 10, 2017


Below is a photo of a Kori Bustard Couple with live hare kill ... in Amboseli National Park, Kenya. Kori Bustard (Ardeotis kori) is the largest flying bird native to Africa. The male Kori Bustard might be the heaviest living animal capable of flight.

It was astonishing to see the couple hunt the hare leveret (cub) after about thirty minutes of feeding on insects, etc and crossing the road from behind our vehicle. It was a scene of immense compassion, as we sighted the Kori Bustard picking up the helpless leveret in it's beak and we were helplessly watching the scene from the vehicle. The laws of nature are supreme and we take a bow!!!

Please feel free to share or ask for a high res image... :) 


Posted by Ketan Vikamsey on Mar 10, 2017