Seeds: Seeds+T: Seeds Storage - Neighborway Or Norway?
--Nisha Srinivasan
1 minute read
Apr 1, 2016


This month's 'Seeds + Transformation' newsletter is themed Seeds+T: Seeds Storage - Neighborway Or Norway?. Chamnibai and thousands of women around India save seeds locally like they save stories: learn from their parents, sow them every season, store them at home and pass them on to their children ensuring survival, diversity and evolutionary adapatations. Svalbard seed vault in Norway is a centralized seed storage facility that contains the seeds of nearly 4,000 plant species – more than 720,000 individual plastic-sheathed samples from around the world. You want to bet on unity in diversity or diversity in unity? Take a look.


Posted by Nisha Srinivasan on Apr 1, 2016